A grow kit is perhaps one of the most sought after items for cannabis users for the year 2020. While it may be a new year, things certainly haven’t changed much, but don’t worry – they will. As we patiently wait for our dispensaries to open, many (on both the recreational side and medical side) are switching to growing their own cannabis from the safety of their own home.
I remember one of my first worries was that I wouldn’t have access to cannabis – what with stores closing left and right. Internally, I was worried. Fortunately, I had just moved to Los Angeles where the ability to grow my own was absolutely an option as long as I stayed within my state’s guidelines for growing.
Back in the day (and b

Check out our Advanced Indoor Grow Kit!
y that I mean a couple of years back) it used to be a hassle for those looking to grow in a closet or under their stairs. If you were going to start, you needed to head to your local hardware store, pick up all the necessary supplies such as reflective foils and LED lights, fans, and temp gauges, and then set it all up in your home. Then you would grow and hope it didn’t bother the neighbors. Well, it’s a different day and age, and the ability to grow from the comfort of your own home is easier than ever.
We put together a list of the Top 5 Reasons why a grow tent will be the perfect choice for you!
5 – A Grow Kit Makes It Easier Than Ever To Grow
While it may have been a dream for many to grow in their home, others felt the cost and efforts to fully devote an extra room or closet for a grow setup to be a little daunting. Especially when you are just beginning. We get it. It’s a big investment that has a lot of potential to fail the first time.
Well for those who are willing to take the plunge, purchasing a full grow kit can have you set up and growing in less than an hour. Full-spectrum grow-kits have everything you need to get the job done – not only just the right way but the best way. From instructional booklets to customer service – the benefits of having a grow kit it’s much better than relying on your neighbor who has seen one-too-many Grateful Dead shows.
4: Growing Can Save Money
The amount of money that people save when they start their home grow is staggering. In most cases, the retail costs add together with the average price plus whatever taxes your state wants to include. While this may be a shorter time to wait, this is astronomically more expensive than simply growing your own supply.
For many home

Check out our Dual Powered LED Grow Kit
growers, the ability to save upwards of 90% of their retail costs has been a major deciding factor.
Not just on the purchasing side, but the amount of energy that a grow kit requires is minimal. The technology has developed at such a rate now that states are legalizing that the average grow light if on 24/7 for one month will bring your electricity bill up approximately 10 dollars.
3: Learning How To Grow Is A Skill
A couple of years ago, if you asked a beginner grower where they learned to grow or who taught them, they would probably tell you about some old guy who’s been doing it for years. They would also tell you that the guy smelled like sage and would go off on tangents about his time traveling through America on tour. We don’t need to seek out the ancient mystics anymore. The internet did away with that. If that’s your…ahem…” vibe” then by all means learn the ways of the ancients, but for those looking for an easier time, most kits come with the basic instructions and information to grow.
Learning to grow is, in fact, a skill. Instead of the issues that stem from trial and error, the resources that these kits provide is staggering. Everything from noticing how your plants react to different nutrients to the simple guidelines for beginners is all there at your disposal.
2: A Grow Kit Fits In Most Places Within Your House
The era of going to the local hardware store to dedicate an entire room for growing is over. While there are kits that can be used to adequately use that space to its fullest, many people wish to not use an entire room or closet to get the job done. A 2x2x5 tent is all you need to grow up to 5 ounces per plant. Space isn’t an issue anymore. You will not only have the space to grow, but you will have the space to continue to use that room for other reasons.
1: Grow Kits Provide 100% Organic Plants
By growing it yourself, you get to bear witness to growing your own harvest from start to finish. You see what goes into the technique of growing your plants. Our kits provide a 100% organic solution to grow. You can rest knowing that the natural process will give you the most abundant harvest.
If you want to learn more, check out our complete grow kits and follow us on social media!