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Cloning provides a number of potential investment opportunities for beginner growers. One of the biggest reasons many marijuana grow kit enthusiasts turn to cultivation from home is the economic incentive. It makes sense. In states like California, the cost for an ounce is staggeringly high. For black market sales, the cost for an eighth can be anywhere between 30-35 dollars. Adding retail costs plus high tax rates is a major deterrent for those looking to purchase their recreational or medical cannabis.

Well, there is a more cost-saving approach to growing in the comfort of your own home: Cloning.

Cloning: A Small Step For Massive Savings

Now that cannabis is becoming more readily available throughout the US and Canada, many are looking to start their home grow endeavors. While it may be hard to find seeds, you can almost guarantee that someone somewhere has a plant in the veg stage that you can cut a trimming off of and clone.

For basic clones, the cost is small $15 for an infant is all it takes to start growing. For rarer strains, the cost can go up, but at the end of the day, it cuts out a large section of the growing process.

Each clone can yield a good amount. More so than you would spend at the dispensary.

How To Clone

In order to get the process started you’ll need the following:

  • Trimmers
  • Germination dome
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Rockwool
  • Lights
  • Cloning Formula / 100% Honey

Good thing The Budgrower has all of these in each kit!

Step 1: Trimming

The first step to getting the right clone is trimming your plant. This step needs to be done during the vegetative stage. Finding the right type of cut means having a solid plant or a lackluster one. If you take your clone from a plant in the vegetative stage, then this might cause problems with rooting. At the bloom/flowering stage, the plant has now focused its energy on developing buds. Your best bet to finding the right stem is at the bottom of the plant.

Taking your trimmers, gently dip them into the isopropyl alcohol. Then finding a stem that looks like it is still in the developing stages, cut it at a 45-degree angle. Take the cutting and immediately place the stem in water. This is to ensure that no air bubbles get trapped.

If your cutting has quite a lot of leaves, then it’s best to trim the tips of those leaves off. This will ensure that the plant stops developing further and will focus its energy on developing a strong root system.

Step 2: Skinning The Mycelium

Take your cutting out of the water. Then with your trimmer or a sharp blade, gently shave off the bottom skin of the trimming. This will allow the cutting to take in the rooting hormone faster and more effectively.

Step 3: Rooting Hormones

Once you have fully skinned the mycelium from the base of the trimming, the next step is to dip it into your rooting hormone. All you need to do is make sure the shaved part of your plant is thoroughly dipped into the hormone and you will be all set to place it into the Rockwool

Step 4: Rockwool

Take the cutting that you have just dipped into the rooting hormone and place it into the Rockwool. This keeps the plant upright and will help develop the rooting stages faster and more effectively.

Step 5: Germination Dome

After you have placed the cutting into the Rockwool, place it inside the germination dome. From there you will want to keep the base of the Rockwool damp. Fill the base of the germination dome with water so that the wool remains damp through the entire process. It may even work in your interest to put some of our patented Cali Super Soil lining the bottom of the germination dome to give your root structure a place to start. Once inside, keep the lights on 24/7 and make sure the humidity levels are high. We are talking 75-80% high.

Cloning In Summary

You can continue to clone as long as your plants stay in the vegetative stage. Many nurseries will often keep their plants in the vegetative stage as long as possible without switching their light times for bloom. This will ensure that you can create copies of your plants for a long time. From there, you will be able to keep the good times coming and never have to visit a dispensary or nursery ever again!

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