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Understanding the PH level is an important step for those just starting out to those who have had their skin in the game for a while. Utilizing the best PH means that your plants will receive the best nutrients to grow big and strong.

PH Level For Soil

Utilizing soil can be tricky. While there are a number of PH balancing fluids that you can use to get your buds the biggest and the best, it might not be the most appropriate option for you. For soil, you should regularly check your soil’s PH with a monitor. The best rule of thumb for beginner growers is to keep your PH between 6-7 This will help your root structure take in the best nutrients into the substrate.

Best PH for Hydroponics

Hydroponics offers a much better scope into the PH spectrum. While soils are, well, soil, the hydroponic system allows for more accurate measuring and a more consistent harvest. The hydro bucket allows your plants to take in nutrients directly from the water itself. Now, the nutrients aren’t in the water – you have to add them. It is a double-edged sword – some might say. While it’s easy to change the dynamic of your growth at the turn of a dime, it also means your plants are more sensitive to change. The positive side is that you will be producing way more quantities for your buds than a traditional soil-based grow.  As the soil-based grow, the PH level for hydroponics needs to be more closely monitored.

The benefit of using hydroponics versus soil is that you can utilize PH Up and PH Down in order to get the desired scale that you are looking for.

By having a PH Level between 5.5 and 6 you are ensuring that your plants will absorb the nutrient additives that belong in your plant.

Why is an Accurate PH Important?

The PH level determines how your nutrients are absorbed into your plant. If it’s too low or high, then you will lock out essential nutrients. Having a perfect balance creates a harmony that your plant will thrive in. Keeping your PH level is the core for adjusting nutrient intake.

If PH is too low:

  • Boron
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Zinc

If PH is too high:

  • Nitrogen
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Sulfur
  • Molybdenum

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